Announcing The World's Largest Collection of

16,000 Woodworking Plans

✅Wanted to build something, because you cannot find it “retail”?

✅Thought of making something custom for a specific need but don’t know where to start?

✅Wanted to buy nice furniture but can’t afford high quality pieces?

✅Thought of upcycling wood you found but afraid of messing it up?

✅Struggle to find detailed plans to build your dream project?

These are the issues I faced years ago when I started woodworking and it is the same challenges many of my students are still facing today.

“Woodworking shouldn’t be that difficult!”

Now if you want to create the projects you’ve dreamed of – quickly and easily…

Instead of spending days, months or years looking for something or god forbid, spending a fortune hiring someone to do it for you

And you crave the satisfaction of creating something beautiful with your own hands,

Then this may be the most important letter you’ll ever read…

“Here’s The BIG Problem…”

When I started looking online for plans and buying magazines, here’s what I discovered:

Most plans and woodworking magazines are COMPLETE GARBAGE.

Here’s why:

✅Plans are NOT specific enough – They either lack a step or they lack descriptions or measurements.

✅nstructions that leave out VITAL information, assuming that you are experienced enough to “fill in the blanks”

✅Assuming you’re a master craftsman with access to expensive tools and a large workshop!

✅Plans that are too complex for beginners that require thousands of dollars in high-end machinery!

And in many cases, there is simply NOT enough detail!

woodworking box

One of projects I saw was for a modern wardrobe but the details on how to put it together were terrible.

You have to start guessing at where to attach carriage bolts, etc.

Another was that the top back board is not straight as it has design to it which was not explained.

So I took paper template and drew out and traced on boards best I could for one of my students.

These so called “step by step” plans make woodworking HARDER than it actually is

No wonder woodworking seem so hard!

Well, luckily for you, these problems become a blessing in disguise.

Because I have spent the last 25+ years putting together the world’s most comprehensive collection of woodworking plans

These one-of-a-kind plans are drafted by hundreds of students and myself which you will NOT find anywhere else.

So what if I told you that you could get your hands on 16,000 woodworking projects

with already “done-for-you” plans that includes step-by-step instructions, drawings & blueprints…

So you can build stunning, professional woodworking projects — easily, quickly & hassle free?


“Earth’s Largest Database of Woodworking Projects!”

Make 16,000 Projects With Step By Step Plans
…even if you don’t have a large workshop or expensive tools!

So what makes a “perfect woodworking plan?”

Simply put, it must be detailed enough to leave nothing to guesswork yet simple enough for beginners. It must also contain complete instructions from start to finish.

Look at the features and see why our plans are 10x better than all “mass-market” plans:

Types of Projects You Can Build Today

Just a small sample of over thousands of other projects

Plus Thousand More Projects!

Listen To What Our Satisfied Customers Are Saying:

I don’t want you to take MY word for it.

Instead, I’d like you to see what a few of TedsWoodworking buyers have to say…

“The Best Collection of Project Plans I’ve Reviewed!”

“I’ve read numerous books and bought several online woodworking plans and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every aspect. It has got lots of different ideas and inspiration. Plans are detailed and the instructions are in-depth.

I’d rate this package as one of the best collection on woodworking plans I’ve reviewed. You simply must get this, especially if you are just getting started in woodworking. As far as I am concerned, this is a bargain. The level of detail will set a new standard in the field.”

Willie Stark – Chief Editor,
Woodworking, Valdosta

“Plans Are Super Easy To Read and Understand Unlike Others…”

“I just got this package a few days ago, and I’ve had a hard time putting it down. There are lots of full-color pictures, with thorough descriptions of every step in the project. These turned out to be even better than I’d hoped!

Plans are super easy to read and understand, unlike several others I looked online. I can’t wait to get started building some of the pieces and I have some projects picked out to start as soon as I can get the lumber! A valuable addition to my woodworking reference library. I would highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in woodworking.”

Bradly Lerwill – Durham, UK

“An Excellent Investment For Anyone Starting Out”

“Of all the woodwork plans I have bought over the years, this is the best collection I have. Its an excellent resource for beginners as well as seasoned woodworkers. It includes tons of blueprints for different small crafts, furniture and outdoor projects and it’s simply outstanding…an excellent investment for anyone starting out.

I would loved to have had these when I was building my first outdoor deck. Considering the excellent content, and the quality of the plans itself, this package is quite a bargain.“

Melvin Jones- AWFS Association,
WLake Ariel PA

“I Had Been Burned Before, but Ted Proved Me Wrong…”

“I had been burned before, but Ted proved me wrong and I couldn’t be happier with the purchase.

For a beginner, this package is a god-send because you’ll get every detail you need for your project. It even lists the different tools needed and how to use them and the plan explains the entire process to you.

If you want to get ideas on your project or build thousands of quality works in wood, you owe it to yourself to get this package.”

Kevin Roane – San Mateo, CA

Plus Many More Testimonials From Facebook Fans:

See What Our Customers Have Built:

And Many More!

Claim These 4 Exclusive Bonuses If You Order Today

If you get in today, I’ll give you 4 special time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with your woodworking projects even faster…

And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.

When I started planning TedsWoodworking, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all woodworkers. I wanted to sell the next bonus individually for $39.00 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!

Don’t Say “Yes”. Just Say “Maybe” & Give It A RISK-FREE Test-Drive For a Full 60 Days!

I hate seeing the word “guarantee” everywhere. What is it supposed to mean? Just words. Platitudes to get you to buy.

So, I’m making you more than just a guarantee. It’s a personal promise to you.

I honestly believe this is the most complete woodworking package currently available ANYWHERE else… I would want the ground to open and swallow me whole if I thought you were disappointed. So here’s the deal…

My 60 Day, “LOVE IT OR SHOVE IT” 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

If this is not the most complete woodworking resource you’ve ever seen, simply email me and I will return 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

This my full 60 days IRON-CLAD money back guarantee to you.